
Target Market

After receiving feedback for my proposal I need to decide on a realistic location for my business idea as this is one of the most important factors as well as a more detailed specific for the target market.

Target Profile:

Based on Bedford Place London Road Southampton location.

This would be an ideal premises for the business as it was previously a beauty and tanning salon located in Bedford Place.

Southampton is a young and lively city in which a business proposal such as this would have great potential.

Local gyms compete at low prices for students.
(Consider student discount)

Many women of all ages, shapes and backgrounds live in the city, which means it is an ideal location for the Business.

The current local businesses in this area of Southampton (Bedford place) are mainly restaurants or fast food places and a number of small shops. There are not any established beauty salons currently in the main part of town.

Sports Shops in Southampton:

JD Sports
Sports World

Megan Matthews

Age 25
Estate agent
£25’000 salary
Interests: Fitness, Skiing, swimming

Favourite sports brands:
Nike, North face, Adidas Original
Own brand Sportswear (H&M, Online, Debenhams)
Trainers: Nike free runs.

Owns Jawbone bracelet

Would pay between £5-£8 for a gym class

Loves to try new exciting ways of exercising

I have carried out further  marker research after my proposal to see if this type of business would be successful.
The business is aimed at all women of any age and physical ability but it is still important to pin point the exact types of audience this will appeal to.

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