
Pole Dancing Shoot

I did a Pole dancing shoot in Portsmouth.The difficulty was knowing that shooting in a dance studio meant that we couldn't control the lighting and we were using mostly natural light that was available. We were lucky in that there were many windows letting in natural light so we did have more control than expected using black out blinds to adjust. This did take up a lot of time before we could shoot but it was necessary. There were also blinds that acted as the backdrop for the images that covered  the mirrors. The model was a very talented Pole Dancer and held a variety of strong positions.As my project is focusing on the fitness aspect, I need to make sure this is clear in the photographs by showing her strength. I also had to consider that she will be advertising my business so I needed some shots of her looking happy and smiling. The makeup and hair was natural, I also had to cover bruises she has on her legs and body to make it easier in the retouching process.

The images have been retouched. I used Photoshop to close up any gaps that were exposing the mirrors to keep the background all purple. I am happy with the final images and I think they will work well on my website and brochure.

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