
INTRO to my project...

The idea behind my project is a business concept for a Pole Dancing studio combined with a Beauty Salon. There are negative associations related to Pole Dancing and I want to express how it has developed from this, focusing on female empowerment.

The main focus of the business idea is to create a community feel for women who enjoy Pole Dancing as a fun method of fitness.

I will be producing a pitching style brochure alongside a website for the new business and setting up social media to support this. A business plan will also be constructed.

We were asked to write a 300 word summary for our projects so I thought I should include that on here also....

The initial idea behind my project was to focus on the element of fitness within pole dancing after in depth research into its history, where it originates from and what people think of it now. I wanted to change the current perception of pole dancing and remove its negative associations its known for. I looked at pole dancing in its true form, as a type of artistic physical body movement with its relation to fashion and modern day references, as well as books that research more in depth into its advantages rather than its known negatives because of its sexual reputation with strippers and exotic dancers. The idea is to challenge the typical stereotype it’s associated with.

Poleception is the business I have created which combines this new fun method of exercising with a Pole fitness gym and studio for women alongside a professional beauty salon. This idea shows pole fitness in a positive and exciting way involving the interests of beauty. Pole fitness embraces a sense of female empowerment and community which is what this business encourages. The idea is to help women to exercise with a sense of fun and achievement, yet still being faced with a challenge and have all there beauty needs at hand with a ‘one stop shop’ facility.

I have created a website and social media page for Poleception alongside a pitching style brochure about the business in which I use my own images produced by myself applying my own hair and makeup skills. I have also researched into the setting up of this company with a supportive business plan and further market research.  

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